Innovative molten glass coating for the immobilization of radioactive waste ashes
New Glass Ceramics of CaO-SrO-Al2O3-La2O3-ZrO2 for Encapsulation of MA from Nuclear Wastes
Tetsuji Yano (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) -
Outline and results of the development of glass matrix for reducing the volume of high-level
radioactive waste - Kohei Owaku (Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited) -
Development of melt contact refractory for glass melter at JNFL
Takeshi Tsukada (Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited) -
In-can incineration and vitrification process: glass formulation and glass melt/liquid metal interactions
In-Can Incineration and Vitrification Processing of Plutonium contaminated mixed organic/metallic waste
Vitrification of waste arising from dismantling operations using Dem&Melt technology
In-Can vitrification of spent mineral sorbents using DEM&MELT technology
Caroline Michel (CEA/DES/ISEC/DPME, France) -
Management of TENORM waste by GeoMelt® vitrification – Opportunities in France
Pascal Evrard (Waste2Glass, Paris, France) -
Spherical Briquets as A New Feeding Form of Glass Matrix for Vitrification of High-Level Radioactive Nuclear Waste from Reprocessing of High-Burnup and/or MOX spent fuel
Tetsuji Yano (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) -
Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme (AFCP): Improved Low-Temperature Glass Formulations for Advanced Oxide Fuel
Alex Scrimshire (Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield, UK) -
Recent Progress in Decarbonisation Studies of Raw Materials and Glass Composition of Commercial Glass in the UK
Wei Deng (Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield, UK) -
Higher Activity Waste Thermal Treatment (HAWTT) programme
Helen Steele (Sellafield Limited, UK) -
Progress in development of glass formulas for vitrifying ZrO2- and MoO3-bearing high level liquid waste
Shengheng Tan (Department of Radiochemistry, China Institute of Atomic Energy)