Vitrification technologies and glass waste form
Chair: Paul A. Bingham (Sheffield Hallam University) & Christophe Girold (CEA DPE)
Waste vitrification technologies
- 9h40-10h20: French HLW vitrification history and major achievements - Régis Didierlaurent (Orano, France)
- 10h20-10h50: Coffee break
- 10h50-11h30: - Waste Vitrification Technologies and Details of the Office of River Protection’s Enhanced Waste Glass Program - Albert Kruger (US Dep. of Energy: DOE, US)
- 11h30-12h10: Geomelt vitrification technology: Latest Developments and Overview of Operational Installations- Cyrille Veronneau (Veolia Nuclear Solutions Europe)
Glass waste form and issues
- 14h50-15h30: Advancement in Waste Glass Formulation Methodology - John Vienna (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US)
- 15h30-16h10: Vitrification of high-level nuclear waste worldwide: Historical perspective, current status and future challenges - Ashutosh Goel (RUTGERS University, US) & Paul A. Bingham (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
- 16h10-16h50: International Perspectives on Glass Waste Form Development for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste- John McCloy (Washington State University, US) & Paul A. Bingham (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
- 16h50-17h20: Coffee break
- 17h20-18h00: Engineering of inorganic waste mixtures for new usable glasses: from glass-ceramics to alkali-activated materials - Enrico Bernardo (Padova university, IT)
Glass recycling
- 20h00-21h30: Dinner in Nimes
Simulation/modeling of vitrification process
Chair: Richard Pokorny (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague) & Arnaud Quintas (CEA ISEC)
CFD simulation of vitrification process
- 8h30-9h00: Numerical modeling developement of Cold Crucible Induction Melting - Emilien Sauvage (CEA ISEC, France)
- 9h00-9h30: Numerical modeling of Joule Heated Ceramic Melter - Donna Guillen (INL, US)
- 9h30-10h00: Furnace modelling (CFD) tool for detailed modelling of physical and chemical process in complex shapes (GTM-X)- Ankith John Santosh & Corinne Claireaux(CELCIANS, NL)
- 10h00-10h30: Numerical modeling of industrial glass furnaces - Jiri Brada (Glass Service, CZ)
- 10h30-11h00: Coffee break
Modeling of Physical-chemical properties of glass and melt
- 11h00-11h30: Modeling of glass properties and their effect on glass production rate in an electric melter - Pavel Hrma (PNNL, US)
- 11h30-12h00: Statistical methods and data-driven models to predict glass melt properties - Damien Perret (CEA ISEC, France)
- 12h00-12h30: Accelerating glass discovery for nuclear waste applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning - Anoop Krishnan (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
- 15h00-15h30: Conversion degree and heat transfer in the cold cap and their effect on glass production rate in an electric melter - Pavel Ferkl (PNNL, US)
- 15h30-16h00: From batch to melt: chemical energy demand and energy balance - Corinne Claireaux & Ankith John Santosh (CELCIANS, NL)
- 16h00-16h30: Modelling foaming in industrial glasses - Franck Pigeonneau (CNRS Nice, France)
- 16h30-17h00: Coffee break
- 17h00-17h30: Redox of silicate melts at high temperature - Daniel Neuville (IPGP, Paris)
- 17h30-18h00: Effect of reducing agents on the redox conditions during melting, Tc/Re retention, and off-gas evolution - Jaroslav Klouzek & Richard Pokorny (University Prague, CZ)
- 20h00-21h30: Dinner in Nimes
Thermodynamic and chemical mechanism modeling of glass and melt
Chair: John McCloy (Washington State University) & Ekaterina Burov (Saint-Gobain Research Paris)
Modeling thermodynamic of glass and melt
Modeling chemical mechanisms
- 9h45-10h15: Modeling chemical diffusion in silicate melts - Emmanuelle Gouillart (Saint Gobain, France)
- 10h15-10h45: Coffee break
- 10h45-11h15: Rheology of partially crystallized simulated nuclear glass melts - Elise Regnier (CEA ISEC, France)
- 11h15-11h45: Modeling phase separation in the melt - Alain Cartalade (CEA ISAS, France)
Overwiew on glass alteration
- 11h45-12h15: Key issues related to the disposal of HL vitrified waste: feedback from Cigeo project - Stephan Schumacher (ANDRA, France)
- 12h15 Lunch box - Free pic nic
- Free time and proposed activities
Glass alteration
Chair: John Vienna (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) & Daniel Caurant (Institut de recherche de Chimie Paris - IRCP)
Overview on glass alteration
- 8h30-9h00: Alteration of industrial glasses - Léa Brunswic (CEA ISEC, France)
- 9h00-9h30: Alteration of nuclear glasses - Stéphane Gin (CEA ISEC, France)
- 9h30-10h00: Alteration of UK nuclear waste glasses; evidence from laboratory and field experiments - Clare Thorpe (University of Sheffield, UK)
- 10h00-10h30: Aqueous dissolution rate of nuclear waste glasses as a function of environmental parameters - Yaohiro Inagaki (Kyushu University, Japan)
- 10h30-11h00: Coffee Break
- 11h00-11h30: Alteration under atmospheric conditions - Aurélie Verney Carron (University Paris Créteil, France)
- 11h30-12h00: Float glass weathering in atmospheric conditions - Sophie Papin (Saint Gobain, France)
- 12h00-12h30: Glass as a biomaterial - Or why corrosion can be a good thing - Delia Brauer (Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, DE)
- 12h30-15h00: Poster session 3 & buffet
Modeling approaches
- 15h00-15h15: Short introduction - Jean Marc Delaye (CEA ISEC, France)
- 15h15-15h45: Molecular dynamics simulations of nuclear waste glasses and their aqueous corrosion behaviors - Jincheng Du (University of North Texas, US)
- 15h45-16h15: Atomistic simulation of glass alteration using the Monte Carlo method - Jean Marc Delaye (CEA ISEC, France)
- 16h15-16h45: Coffee break
- 16h45-17h15: Elucidating glass and alteration gel structure with a combined MD and NMR approach boosted by machine learning - Thibault Charpentier (CEA DRF, France)
- 17h15-17h45: Geochemical modeling of glass alteration - Pierre Frugier (CEA ISEC, France)
- 20h00-23h00: Banquet
New glasses for energy transition and new advance on high temperature characterization
Chair: Ashutosh Goel (RUTGERS University) & Elise Regnier (CEA ISEC)
New advance on glass development for energy transition
- 8h30-9h00: Sealing glasses for high temperature electrolysis - Annabelle Laplace (CEA ISEC, France)
- 9h00-9h30: Self-healing glass sealant for SOFC/SOEC technology - François Méar (Université Lille, France)
- 9h30h-10h00: Zirconia Crystallization- A View from Different Tools - Irene Peterson (Corning US, US)
- 10h00-10h30: Coffee Break
- 10h30-11h00: In-situ visual observations of glass melting processes - José Marcial (PNNL, US)
- 11h00-11h30: Observation of glass synthesis by in-situ high temperature ESEM - Renaud Podor (CEA ISEC, France)
- 11h30-12h00: Closing summer school (CEA/ISEC/DPME)
- 12h00-13h00: Lunch box & End of the summer school