




Glass alteration

Molecular dynamics simulations of nuclear waste glasses and their aqueous corrosion behaviors

Guest oral presentation

Glass melt

Modeling phase separation in the melt

Guest oral presentation

Key issues related to the disposal of HL vitrified waste: feedback from the Cigeo project

Guest oral presentation

Glass waste form, New glasses for energy transition, Vitrification process/technologies

Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme (AFCP): Improved Low-Temperature Glass Formulations for Advanced Oxide Fuels


Vitrification process/technologies

Geomelt In Container Vitrification Technology : Latest Developments and Overview of Operational Installations

Guest oral presentation

Glass waste form, Simulation/modeling

Accelerating glass discovery for nuclear waste applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning

Guest oral presentation

New glasses for energy transition

Self-healing glass sealant for SOFC/SOEC technology

Guest oral presentation

Glass alteration

Influence of glass composition and morphology on its solubility in simulated physiological fluids (SPF)


Vitrification process/technologies

French HLW Vitrification History and Major Achievements

Guest oral presentation

Glass alteration

Float glass weathering in atmospheric conditions

Guest oral presentation